Spring Clean-Up's
Capital District NY

We highly recommend spring clean-ups to get rid of any access sand or salt leftover on your lot from the winter months. First, a laborer will arrive onsite with a backpack blower to blow off all sidewalks, and corners of the lot where it is hard to reach with the truck. After that, we will have one of our sweeper trucks sweep and vacuum the entire lot. Typically, one of our Tymco Model 600 Regenerative Air Sweepers is used to provide this service. These trucks have water tanks, which mist the ground as their rotating bristles on each side, loosen up any leftover debris, and then it is vacuumed up into the hopper of the truck.

Catch Basin Clean Outs/Rebuilds
Capital District NY

During the winter months, catch basins fill up with sand, stone, and debris. Sometimes, the basins are damaged by plow trucks, and the salt, which deteriorates the concrete. Call us today for a free quote on rebuilding, or repairing your catch basins.  Also, we recommend getting on our schedule for a cleaning, usually in the Spring and/or Fall. For this service, we use our Vac-All Trucks, which are designed for this type of work. On average we can clean out about 20 basins per day.

Parking Lot & Sidewalk Maintenance
Capital District NY

Asphalt deteriorates a lot over the course of the Winter, due to the freezing and thawing of the ground. We provide a full-service paving program, which includes, milling/paving, resurfacing, seal coating, and line striping. We also remove and replace any damaged sidewalks and/or curbs.

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